Midnight Walk Square – Crochet Pattern

Hi, let’s crochet? Today we are going to learn how to make a versatile pattern that you can use to make other pieces, the Midnight Walk Square. Full of details and delicacy, this square can be used to make quilts, table rails, cardigans, scarves, coasters. It’s too beautiful, with a flower in the middle that brings more charm to the piece.

These squares are great for someone just starting to crochet. It’s a quick, simple job, where you can practice the stitches and then see the final result, which motivates us to do even more. Do a little crochet every day, at the end of the week, if you compare the former with the latter, you will see the difference.

It is motivating to see us managing to make new patterns, challenging ourselves, exercising our creativity. The artisan community must always be together, motivating itself to continue and being very proud of their work. To make this pattern you can choose the yarn you prefer, always thinking about the final piece. For example, if making a quilt, choose softer yarns.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Pyssel Fix

 If you have any leftover thread from another project, it’s perfect for you to use on that midnight walk square. The amount of yarn needed is not much. At first, I made the complete pattern, took it apart, did it again, until I used up all the yarn. So, I practiced, didn’t spend a lot of yarn and managed to learn all the stitches.

The complete pattern is available in Pyssel Fix, with all information, suggestions, important tips. The pdf is available for you to download, so you keep the pattern and don’t risk losing it. Take the opportunity to use all your creativity and make beautiful pieces. Leave your opinion and suggestions here in the comments. We want to bring you patterns that motivate you to continue creating and making lots of crafts.

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