Crochet Patterns for Roses

Handicrafts, like the crochet flower, can be a therapy or a way to relax or a way to earn money. Crochet is a very popular technique for being easy to do and versatible. You can use the crochet flowers to personalize others pieces like crochet rugs, baby’s blanket, crochet tablecloths, pillows and other types of cloths. This will let them more beautiful and personalized.

In addition to applications, crochet flowers can be used to decor placemats, curtains, to make delicate details such as crochet tips and wherever more the imagination asks for.

There are so many models of crochet flowers, from the simplest to the most elaborate. Flowers are ideal for refresh and add extra color to various itens in the home. You can also make some crochet sheets to highlight your work.

The effect of the crochet flower stitches is given by the size of the needle na by the material chosen for the handicraft. For a more uniform and defined effect, often used for rugs, the flowers can be made from string. For a more cushioned appearance, with less defined points, the material can be wool, commonly used for blankets, pillows and curtains.


The choice of the needle can be done by the choice of the line. Usually, two sizes of needles are suggested, with the smaller one for the stitches are tighter and the larger one the stitches are looser. It will all depends on the effect that you want.

The chosen lines can be smooth or blended, depending on the impression you want to make. Smooth lines are common and can be done in different layers on in a gradiente. Blended ones have mixed colors and can create many beautiful effects. If you prefer, you can create unitary pieces where the crochet flower is made in a simpler way, but not less pretty for that. To do this amazing piece, you’re gonna need:

  • Colored Line
  • Needle
  • Scissors

You can see a few patterns here.

Crochet – Flower Lotus

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