Thanksgiving Dinner Placemat Pattern

Hello my All Day Crochet loves, it’s good to see you here once again. I was away for a few days and I really missed you. Here we have a community of support, encouragement to continue creating and venturing into crochet. I hope that during these days you kept practicing and created beautiful projects.

I’m back with everything and I want to show you the idea for now. Placemats make all the difference at the table set to welcome our friends and family. What if we do it themed? This is the proposal for the Thanksgiving Placemat Dinner. And there is nothing that represents thanksgiving more than the turkey, which is why it is represented here.

And it looks really cute, right? Everyone loves it, especially the little ones. If they have trouble eating, with this placemat they will be entertained and love being at the table with everyone. Not to mention that the placemat is an essential item that complements the look, helping to keep the tablecloth and the table itself free from spills and other dirt.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: All Free Crochet

Placemat sizes vary a lot, because it depends on the size of the plate you are going to use, whether you like it a little bigger or the right size. They recommend that the placemat has a diameter of at least 35cm, because it needs to have a larger edge in relation to the flat plate.

The Thanksgiving dinner placemat has a final size of approximately 45cm. Do as many as you think necessary, and this is very personal. I like to have at least a four-unit kit. But you can plan ahead and make a few more units if you increase the number of people for dinner. So, are you already thinking about decoration? Don’t forget to include this placemat, I’m sure it will be a success.

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