Dress For Summer – Free Crochet Pattern

Hello my loves! Another week starting and we separate a lot of beautiful things to share with you. Each pattern is different, full of tips that will help and inspire you. It is always a pleasure to see you here, we are very happy to be able to learn and be inspired by you. Today we are going to do the dress for summer. It’s amazing how many different items we can make with a single technique.

Crochet is this technique, present in our daily lives. Whether in items for decoration, clothes, bags, accessories. It’s that technique that if you haven’t done it yet, you must have seen your mother or grandmother do it. As much as it was considered an old technique, grandma’s thing, nowadays everyone is interested in learning. In recent years, this technique has become very well known because many people sought crafts in the days of social isolation.

That’s why we have so many new ideas and patterns, making the technique more and more modern. Crochet dresses are classic, we have models for babies, children and adults. The dress for summer, as the name implies, is the perfect dress for the hottest days. It’s a fluid, fresh dress that makes you even more beautiful. It should be a fresh dress, so you should choose lighter, flowing yarns.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Ravelry

Yarns should be soft, but not too hot, like wool. The stores have many options available, thinner lines, colorful and with beautiful details. Choose the ones you like the most to make this beautiful dress. You can make it with different shades, like the patter, the whole dress in the same color, whatever you like the most.

As for the length of the dress, you can easily change it by increasing or decreasing the rounds. In the video tutorial, you can watch the pattern step by step and do it together with the artisan, clearing all doubts that may arise. Before starting, we suggest that you watch the video a first time and then start crocheting together.

It’s always good to understand the pattern, it gets easier. The pattern dress for summer is available at Ralvelry. About the materials, you will only need yarn, crochet hook and scissors. Easy right? This dress is very beautiful and can be an excellent gift option for dear friends. Now that we know how to do it, let’s crochet?

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