Transportation Quilt – Free Pattern

Hi my loves! We hope to find you all well. It’s always great to see you here, together we can learn, help each other and encourage us to continue creating. To continue this beautiful week, today we are going to learn a new pattern. Transportation Quilt Pattern is a pattern that kids will love, and you will learn new techniques to make it.

Quilts are very versatile items that make any environment more colorful and beautiful. You can use them to decorate the room, to make the bed more comfortable and warm or put it in the playroom. This quilt is really fun and you can do it with many colors. In this pattern, you will join several hexagons, of different colors or not.

The transports are cut before assembling the quilt, in the step by step you will learn all the tips to make them very beautiful. When making them, choose colors that contrast a lot, to highlight the cut and shape of the transports. When making the markings, remember to use the wrong side of the fabric. As much as the markers are washable ink, you ensure that no markings are visible.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Shwin & Shwin

To make the cutouts, start with the largest ones. If something goes wrong, you can reuse these scraps to cut the smallest pieces, zero waste. Following the instructions, you will end up with a 40″ x 50″ quit. If you need a bigger or smaller size, just add or decrease the amount of hexagons. The transportation quilt pattern is available at Shwin & Shwin. There you will find the list of materials, step by step with photos, and tips to assemble this beautiful quilt.

It’s a great gift option for friends, nephews, godchildren, and to sell too. Quilts are present in every home, so why not take advantage of this opportunity and earn an extra one at the end of the month? We’re sure you won’t regret learning new techniques. Tell us what your ideas are here. We are very happy with your feedback. Shall we quilt?

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