Roly Poly Teddy Bear – Quilt Pattern

Baby quilts are always in high demand for you, so we brought you the Roly Poly Teddy Bear. This super charismatic teddy bear is easy to make and enchants everyone. The quilt is made in rows you can find the diagram in the pattern, to check if the assembly is correct. You can see that the bear’s chest has a heart. It’s an appliqué made on the piece, after it’s ready.

This part is completely optional, but the template is available as well. You can add other appliqués as well, like details to the piece. Hat, bows, cap, flowers, a multitude of ideas. If you’ve been quilting for a long time, you must have basic templates lying around. Anyway, let us know here in the comments what apps you would like to have, which we’ll look for in the next posts.

Finished quilt measures 46 inches wide x 44 inches long. To increase the size of the quilt is very easy. You can increase layers of plain fabric on the top, bottom, and squares on the sides. To reduce it is the same thing, remove the smooth layers and keep only the ones that complete the bear design.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Gray Barn Designs

This quilt can be used to assemble layettes, maternity leave, you can adapt it to make pillows. You can make the bear in several colors, choose the ones that best match the decor and get to work. The complete pattern, with measurements, tips, diagram and the entire walkthrough is available at Gray Barn Designs.

You can download it and save it so you always have it on hand when you need it. We are very happy to bring these patterns to you, so let us know what you think in the comments. Now, separate everything you need, make the cutouts and let’s quilt!

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