Lazy Gardener’s Quilt

Hello everybody! It’s good to have your company here. And here we go for another month full of amazing patterns. Yes, half of the year is gone, but you must have noticed how many inspirations passed through here. Take a look at the posts, I’m sure many ideas can inspire you.

Today we are going to drop the crochet hooks and get our sewing machine. That’s right, time to quilt, let’s learn how to make the Lazy Gardener’s Quilt. A very colorful quilt, with a mix of colors and prints that makes everything even more incredible.

On the first sheets of the pattern you will find a long list of fabrics. It may seem a little scary, but calm down. They are small pieces, you don’t need a lot of each one. And it can be a perfect pattern choice for those who have a lot of scraps left over from other projects. The important thing is to keep the color palette and prints that match each other.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Tildas World

Can you believe this entire quilt is made with a single cut shape? The entire quilt is assembled from half square triangles and the blocks are arranged in groups of five. I know it sounds complicated, but seeing the images and graphs of each step, everything becomes clear. In the pattern, the fabrics are numbered, so you can assemble the quilt and have a result similar to the one proposed.

Both markings and numbers must be made on the reverse side of the fabric. This way you avoid any pen marks being evident in the final quilt. If you want, and I recommend you do, you can wash the fabrics before starting anything. If the fabric shrinks or sheds excess dye, you won’t have any problems that could alter the final quilt. You can make adjustments before starting to sew. Ready to quilt? A lazy gardener’s quilt awaits you.

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