Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern

Hello everyone, nice to have you here with me. I hope that here at All Day Crochet you will find patterns that inspire you to do whatever you want. Crafts do a lot of good for those who practice and receive them. While we are practicing, we take the opportunity to relax and exercise our reasoning, often without realizing it.

It can be an amazing hobby for anyone who needs a distraction. And who knows how to have that extra income, it’s always welcome, right? And we know classic items that are always successful, either for ourselves, to give as gifts to loved ones or to sell. Like quilts, and among them a very beloved and very classic model: the Kaleidoscope Quilt.

A beautiful model, which can be colored or a mix of shades of the same color. Let your creativity flow and take chances in the combinations, I’m sure that a lot of beautiful things will come out of your studio. According to quiltipidea, a kaleidoscope quilt is inspired by the symmetrical patterns found in a Kaleidoscope. It is constructed with a square divided into 8 wedges, similar to an 8-pointed star or LeMoyne Star.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Robert Kaufman Fabrics

The quilts made with this quilt block use color and placement for the effect. There are fabric cutting techniques to mimic the effect of a kaleidoscope and when done with fabric that mirrors the piece next to it, the results are stunning. Making this quilt is an exercise in color and design, but not a hard one. You can make the kaleidoscope with a variety techniques not found in other types of quilts.

You can choose fabrics solids or prints. The more color and variety of prints the better, but that’s my opinion. Play around with the fabrics you have, even scraps, to see how the colors match, and then shop for quilt materials. Before you start, read all instructions and remember to measure twice and cut once. Better to take a little longer with these steps than to buy more fabric later. Wassup let’s get started?

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