Bright Hopes Quilt – Free Pattern

Hello my loves! We have reached the last day of the week. With so many beautiful patterns we’ve seen around here, the week flew by. If you’re like us, you already have the separate patterns to test or separate the materials to make art over the weekend. Bright Hopes Quilt is that pattern for those who have already quilted a lot.

As much as we always try to buy the right amount of fabric, it is very common to have some scraps left over. Thinking about how to use them in the best way, how about making a new quilt with them? In the pattern you will have to find the size of the pieces that will be needed, then you can start separating. The second step is to combine all these different scraps.

We know that nowadays it is very common to mix the most varied prints and colors. The very right combinations are left behind. But there must be some consistency between the blocks you are going to make. In the pattern, you can see that most of the prints have a white background and the designs are small. You don’t have to follow the same rules but make combinations that please you.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Red Pepper Quilts

Sometimes a more colorful block looks better next to a plain one. Make these snaps before you start sewing. So, you have a better idea of ​​how the quilt will look and you don’t have to undo your work. I must admit I loved the pattern combinations, I thought the quilt was really fun. Perfect for decorating a children’s room. Instructions, measurements, step by step are available at Red Pepper Quilts.

We are very happy to be able to share this idea with you. It’s perfect for using those pieces that we didn’t know what to do. So, we were able to make a new economic quilt, without having to buy new fabrics. If you have fewer scraps, your quilt will be smaller but still beautiful. Tell us what you think and if you’re going to put it into practice. Enjoy the weekend, rest and recharge your energies. We’ll be back soon with more art!

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