Quilt With Irish Chain Blocks – Free Pattern
Hi my loves! Shall we sew a little? It’s therapy for me to spend time sitting next to my sewing machine, we’re almost best friends. If it’s like that for you too, start separating the fabrics to start another quilt pattern. This quilt with irish chain is rich in detail. You will learn step by step and see tips. Nowadays, quilts are not just for cold days, they are decoration items for many environments.
The most common use is in bedrooms, leaving the bed well made and irresistible. The quilts can be made with the stamps and colors you prefer. Regardless of the color you choose, we always advise you to wash the fabrics. Fabrics are usually starched, washing them makes them softer and removes excess dye that can stain lighter colored fabrics. But don’t forget to iron it after drying.
The smooth fabric makes it easier to mark, cut and sew the quilt. When marking, use the back of the fabric. If you don’t get all the markings, it won’t show up on your final piece. To make this quilt, there are several different sizes of squares, start with the largest. If you get the size wrong, you can use the same scrap to make the smaller cuts. Do you already have scraps left over from other quilts? You can enjoy and match the colors and prints in this pattern.
Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Sew Can She
You will spend less and enjoy the scraps that would have no use. The quilt with irish chain pattern is available from Sew Can She. The list of materials, footage, tips, step by step, fabric and color suggestions are available. Quilts are a great gift option for dear friends and family. There’s no one who doesn’t like a quilt to snuggle up with.
In addition to giving gifts, you already promote your craft. We hope this is another inspiration for you, another pattern for you to sew. Take the opportunity to tell us here in the comments what you think, how it was to make this beautiful quilt. We are very happy to read everything and have your participation. If you have a suggestion, you can also say, we are keeping an eye on everything.